Success and failure go hand in hand. Success gives us a sense of joy and pride and failure discourages and depresses us. But we should not forget that in the battle of life, failures do come. In that case we should not lose heart and give up trying again. Man is imperfect, so he often stumbles in life. Misfortunes try him, as fire tries gold. Failures appear to be unpleasant, but they are helpful in many other ways. They are our best instructors. Each time we fail we learn some lesson. We come to know the reason of our failure. In the next attempt we guard ourselves against committing the same mistake.
The experience we gain each time makes our path of success smooth and easy. If we give up trying as soon as we meet with failure, we remain defeated in life, though we may possess the necessary strength to reach the goal. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. We, at the same time discover our hidden powers. Every failure makes us more experienced than before. They should not be regarded as an inefficiency of the person concerned. If a man, armed with the experiences of failure picks up courage and goes on doing a thing, success will be his. So we need not feel ashamed if we fail in any undertaking.
Every one aspires for success in life. Only a few lucky persons manage to get success. Often it is failure which falls to the lot of most of the human beings. Is the failure something deplorable? Is there anything good in it? Do all successful people feel happy? Such are the questions that arise before all of us. The answer is that failures are not deplorable and every success does not contribute to perfect happiness. In fact, happiness is not the outcome of failure or success in life but it is a mental phenonmena.
In a happy mood a man tolerates a failure but in a sad mood even a success doesn’t give him any joy. Failure and success are the two relative terms. Failures provide experience. After all a man learns by experience. Failures are stepping stones to success. King Bruce of Scotland fought for the freedom of his country. He failed many times but he did not lose heart. Ultimately he was successful in his objective.
We must study the causes of our failures, and realize our defects. It will surely help us in achieving success in our attempts. Failure, therefore is not a hindrance, but a help, not a bane but a boon. Life is a sum total of experiences and failures. It adds to our experiences and opens our eyes.
Failures make a person bold, active and vigilant. Failures and defeats make a cowardly person to lose heart but these inject vigour and enthusiasm in a brave man. Failures provide a chance of self improvement. So in order to make the most of their use one should face them boldly and cheerfully.
A very well knit essay.
hey thank you very much,,,,,,,,,helped me for my essay
very inspiring,awesome n helpful essay.never seen such a 1 before.learnt so much today and will never forget in life especially when i fail somewhere,somehow,someplace
a very well knit essay helped me in completing my project very very good essay.a very inspiring one i must say.
cool essay supporting one
nice essay to remember........GOOD.
a good support to complete my assignment........
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